Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Don't go squishy on the nanny state Mitt"

Who the hell told Mitt Romney about our garage bank?

Published: 1:13 AM 10/06/2012

The above headline is attached to a very enlightening article posted on today.  It brought to my attention a moment in the debate which had far more significance that I had initially realized.  Perhaps the most stealth zinger Mitt slinged toward the empty podium that was supposed to have our President watching over brought to light a dangerous impact liberalism and socialism have wrought upon unsuspecting American citizens.  One that we seem to have accepted because of its tendency to slowly creep into our lives almost as though it were a natural course of nature.  But its not.  This of course is the expanding over regulation of our everyday lives that the Democrats embrace.  They – the higher intellects – must protect us from ourselves lest we do ourselves irreparable damage.

As Mitt – if not eloquently, certainly passionately – phrased it…

“Regulation is essential. You can’t have a free market work if you don’t have regulation. As a businessperson, I had to have — I need to know the regulations. I needed them there. You couldn’t have people opening up banks in their — in their garage and making loans. I mean, you have to have regulations so that you can have an economy work. Every free economy has good regulation. At the same time, regulation can become excessive.”

As Mr. Bedford interpreted it ”…the reality of the nanny state is a lot more hilarious, hysterical, hindering and downright horrible than that [Mitt’s expression of the problem of over regulation].
The following is excerpted from the referenced article.

Hilarious: America’s frozen pepperoni pizzas fall under the purview of both the USDA and the FDA, which independently inspect the factories to cover both the cheese and the meat. And until a few years ago, they used to regulate how much meat, sauce and cheese was on those suckers. (For the protection of the people).

Hysterical: The government won’t let us buy turtles under 4 inches (outside of Chinatown, where they’re sold as a soup ingredient), because they know we might put them in our mouths and get salmonella poisoning. (Turtles actually make for a great chaser).

Hindering: To save energy, the feds are banning the old Edison light bulb — even though it worked fine for a century — forcing folks to buy Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, which emit less light, cost more, take a few minutes to get to their full brightness, contain mercury, and can sometimes interfere with radios. Oh, and to make them last as long as they’re supposed to, thereby saving energy, we have to leave them on, thereby wasting energy (and drowning polar bears by the millions).

Horrible: EPA regulations, while threatening hundreds of plants and thousands of jobs, are cutting America’s power supply and increasing prices — a fact that hurts the poorest Americans the most. Oh, and anybody that says that coal is hurting the children because it may possibly be linked to tiny increases in the rate of asthma should put some actual facts in their hash pipes and smoke ‘em: Unemployment is directly linked to increased levels of alcoholism, abuse and suicide, not to mention general poverty. (And last we checked, those are all pretty bad things for kids).

So here’s the deal, Mitt: America is over-regulated, and has been for decades. Directly because of this over-regulation, it’s harder to wash dishes, light a room, go for a swim, buy a car, drink a soda, have a smoke and watch some lingerie football. It’s also harder to power the United States, compete globally, make a living and raise a family.

Oh, and the fuzz keep shutting down our garage bank.

Don’t go squishy on the nanny state, Mitt. Regulation not only inconveniences Americans on an hourly basis, it hurts families, it hurts workers, and it hurts kids. And if voters knew how much, they’d be mighty sore at the government. So why not tell them?

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