Monday, October 8, 2012

Foreign concept

President Obama's foreign policy is a foreign concept to Americans.

His policy is one of passivity and denial, which places America and our allies at the mercy of those who mean to do us harm.

Despite all the recent catastrophes, President Obama continues to show that he does not grasp the gravity of what's occurring -- and he has no strategy to protect and advance our interests.

He has downgraded our relationship with Israel, failed to develop a strategy that protects and advances our interests in the Middle East, and put our nation on track for massive cuts to the defense budget.

In a time of testing, an American president must demonstrate strong leadership.

Mitt Romney will provide the leadership needed to shape world events and protect our interests and our ideals.

Mitt Romney will call terrorism what it is; he won't abdicate American leadership; and he will never apologize for America.

Mitt Romney will offer a stark contrast between his vision for a strong foreign policy and the failed record of President Obama.

Where President Obama has shown weakness, a Romney administration will demonstrate strength and resolve.

Where President Obama has shown equivocation, a Romney administration will demonstrate clarity and never hesitate to speak out for American values.

Whereas President Obama insists upon making devastating defense cuts, a Romney administration will prioritize national defense and never leave our troops and military families without the resources they need to keep our nation safe.

In a dangerous world, we can't allow indifference to undermine security. Only strength and clarity can keep the peace. A strong America equals a peaceful world.

We can't afford four more years of foreign policy failures.

Donate $25 to help Mitt Romney get elected as our next commander-in-chief.

It's time for a real recovery -- our country and our world depend upon it.

Thank you,
Lanhee Chen, Ph.D.
Policy Director
Romney for President, Inc.

P.S. I'd like to add to Dr. Chen's plea...the Obama administration's total lack of concern for the safety of our embassy in Benghazi, despite over 15 requests for increased security months before the attack, is unforgivable, and probably will be proven to be criminal.

Then, to compound that gross negligence, the State Department decides to remove from the embassy security force a 30-plus man security force in month prior to the vicious, deadly attack.  We lost four brave heros due to complete indifference.

Also, recall how many Middle Eastern rulers Obama has bowed to in his 3 1/2 years.  Then try to recall  if any other President before him bowed to a dictators.

Further, why did Obama make such a conciliatory speech at the U.N. repeating his disdain for that ridiculous movie that his adminstration used as a lame excuse for the planned terrorist attack on our embassy weeks after it was known to be an orchestrated attack?  In contrast, we - the American people - were threatened with death by the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi - the new President of Egypt - should anyone of our citizens dare to blasphem The Prophet of Islam.  Why didn't our President explain to Morsi the value we place on freedom of speech? 

Obama's foreign policy is making us weak and vulnerable.  We have always been hated and always will be hated by the radical Muslims, but before Barack Hussein Obama, we were at least feared.   With that fear gone, Obama has placed all Americans in far greater danger than any other time in history. 

We need a leader who will lead.  One who has the best interests of our great democracy, will never bow to dictators, will support our brave troops, and will once again instill fear in our enemies. 

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